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on July 12, 2007 at 11:59:56 pm
Please provide a brief biographical sketch that includes: name, current career, what program you are completing, why you choose the particular technology, other relevant info you may want to add.


EDTC 6329 Students



My name is Marla Kimmel. I am a teacher for the Department of Defense Dependent Schools (DoDDS) and am currently assigned to Okinawa, Japan. I teach middle school math and science. I am enrolled in the M.Ed. Educational Technology program through UTB. The chapter I chose to develop for this class on Wikis and Wikibooks. Since I am physically located on the other side of the world, it is often difficult for me to participate in group activities. I have found that using a wiki for collaborative group projects has helped tremendously. The lag time in responding to an email is no longer a problem when using wikis and projects come together quickly, with more group interaction and accountability. I am looking forward to this class and learning more about the emerging technologies that are being developed.

 Greetings all, my name is Kelly Ellis.  This is my second course in the Educational Technology program.  I am a 6th grade English teacher at Dowling Middle School in Houston.  This coming school year will be my 3rd year of teaching.  One of my goals this school year is to incorporate more technology into my lesson plans.  I have struggled with this in the past, and plan to make improvements in my classroom.  As I continue to learn in this program, I hope to be able present some great ideas to our administration.  My school is very lacking in the technological area.  I chose the gaming chapter in the wiki user manual.  To me games are a great way to reach our youth, and I like playing them as well.  Good luck to all!

Photo of Mildred JeffriesHi, my name is Mildred M. Jeffries. I am a business/computer teacher at Lopez High School in Brownsville, TX.  I am very excited about taking this class as this is new to me.  I love working with technology, therefore, I want to learn as much as possible.   I will be working on Podcasting which is very new to me but at the end of the course, I know that I will be excited and will inturn use it in my classroom. Looking forward to meeting everyone.

Hello, my name is Delia Villarreal. I am a first grade teacher at Aiken Elem. in Brownsville, TX.  This is my  first course in the Educational Technology  program.  I am very excited to learn how to use a Wiki and all other technology available to us. This will be my fifth year teaching and I want to be able to incorporate technology in the classroom.  This will definitely help me and motivate the students into learning.  I chose the mobile technologies chapter to get a better understanding of mobile technologies.  I look forward to meeting everyone and learn a lot from each other.

My name is Sylvia Leal.  I am the coordinator for GEAR UP: Bridges to the Future, a grant funded by the U.S. Department of Education at Region One ESC in Edinburg, Texas.  The primary goal of the grant is to increase the number of students articulating to college.  I am currently pursuing a doctorate in curriculum and instruction at the University of Houston and think that this class can expand my knowledge of using technology to improve instruction.  This is my first course in Educational Technology.      

 My name is Janice Wilson Butler, your instructor for EDTC 6329. It is sometimes difficult to keep up with all the new innovations in technology - that was my interest in developing this course. I look forward to meeting each of you and finding out more about emerging technologies in education. I am sure that I will learn as much as you do as we go through this "newfangled" course together.

Hello Everyone.  My name is Ruby Rodriguez. I am a fourth grade Lang. Arts. teacher at Midkiff Elementary School in Mission, Texas.  Next year, I will be testing strategist.  I am currently in Tubs M.Ed. in Educational Technology and plan to graduate in the spring.  I have chosen Second Life as my topic.  I have just begun to experiment with SL this summer and am looking forward to sharing my new discoveries with you all.

My name is Sanjuanita Gutierrez, I am currently looking for a teaching position in either Brownsville ISD or Los Fresnos CISD in the areas of EC-4.  I am pursuing a M. Ed. in Educational Technology.  I need five more classes to complete the program and plan to graduate in the spring of 2008.

I’m Laura Sheneman and I am pursuing a doctorate through the University of Houston.  I am down to 3 classes and can see a light at the end of the tunnel.  I am a Librarian at an elementary school in Harlingen.  Wikis are a new subject for me, so I look forward to seeing how this all works out. 

My name is Luis Banuelos.  I am a computer consultant in Laredo.  I am pursuing a master's in educational technology because I want to make a difference in my community.  By the end of this summer session, I will be five classes short of my degree.

Jason Ford and God's Gift to Man, Dr. PepperHello, my name is Jason Ford. Just to clarify, it is the Dr. Pepper that is God's gift to man, not me. I currently am heading up the Game Design & Simulation program here at Kingwood College even though my background is in visual communication. Because of my background and what I teach, I chose to pursue a master's in educational technology because I believe education needs a technological pedagogy-olical overhaul, especially when reaching this new and upcoming generation of students.


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