Chapter Title Here
by Your Name here.
Historical Background
Describe your topic and provide an overview of the disruptive technology.
Relevance to education
Why is this technology relevant to education? Is it relevant to a particular grade level or subject area?
Glossary of Terms
Please list any relevant terms here and define them.
Start-up Costs
Develop a plan that shows the money and time necessary to begin using the technology.
Key-players, gurus, experts
Provide links to blogs, websites, wikis of experts in this field. A brief one or two sentence description should be included that tells who the individual is and why they are critical in this field.
Sample Lesson Plans
Include a minimum of two lesson plans that utilize this technology. You may create the lesson plans or you may provide links to lesson plans that you found. If you provide links, describe the purpose of the lesson, outcomes, etc. so that we can have an idea of the significance of the lesson plan before we go view it. You may include more than 2 lesson plans.
Your tutorial on how to get started goes here.
Keep an ongoing list of resources regarding your topic. Use APA formatting to document your sources.
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